Research Institude (R-I)

Welcome to Infinity Angel Research Institute (R-I) service.

  • Only Angels who are NFT can participate in the R-I.

  • Based on Tier of the Angel and the equipment brought (Costume NFT / Minion parts NFT ), each player can receive a different amount of INC tokens.

  • Each Angel NFT can participate in R-I up to 3 hours a day, reset at 00:00 UTC.

  • Angels participating in R-I will be locked and you cannot use them for other activities such as participating in PVE/ PVP/ PVP-P/ Boss Raid battles until the R-I process is complete.

  • Angels participating in R-I will receive an INC reward with an indefinite random number.

  • When you claim the amount of INC rewards to your wallet after completing R-I successfully, you will have to pay the platform a certain fee.

Last updated